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Friday, July 8, 2011

The Thing I Hate the Most When Watching Tutorials on Youtube!

 Britney Spears - I Wanna Go Makeup 
I personally love watching beauty tutorials on Youtube. To count,I have watched over a thousand videos about makeup,hair tutorials and even beauty product hauls and reviews! Its great that almost every guru I watch speaks the universal language or at least puts subtitles,making it easy for me to understand. But if all of the makeup tutorials in Youtube are like the one embedded here,it would be really hard for all of us and the guru herself. Not that the video's quality or the speaker isn't great. It's the damn language that needs to be translated pronto! It's equals buying a designer bag on ebay,but the descriptions are in French and you cant speak French. Much more like eating at a Chinese restaurant,and you cant read that noodle soup's name on the menu.

Im pretty sure what she's saying could be valuable. She might be sharing her tips and techniques during the video. If that's true,I want a translator or at least an automatic subtitle on Youtube! How smart can Youtube get in the next three years? Hmm-hmm. 

Here's another video I liked. But I sill need a translator. Sobs*

Speaking of the video,if you ladies don't know who she is,her name is Camila. She's a beauty guru and goes under the name MakeUpByCamila on Youtube. From hearing her accent,I think she's espanol or maybe brazilian? Im not sure. The only thing I dont doubt is that MakeUpByCamila is one pretty great hot Youtube makeup artist. I think that's the second thing I hate about watching Makeup Tutorials---she's pretty! Haha we're girl-crushing! ;)

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